Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is Hospice?

    Hospice is a service, not a place. It is a unique type of care that focuses on the quality of life for people who are experiencing an advanced, life-limiting illness. A team of compassionate caregivers work to treat the symptoms of the disease, so that the patient may live as fully and comfortably as possible, with dignity and quality.

  • Who is eligible for Hospice Services?

    Patients are eligible for hospice care when a physician makes a clinical determination that life expectancy is six months or less if the terminal illness runs its normal course.

  • How do I pay for Hospice?

    Most Hospice patients do not pay out-of-pocket for services. These are the most common payor sources of Hospice Care:

    • Medicare
    • Medicaid
    • Private Insurance

    You should never have to avoid Hospice due to lack of finances. We have staff who can assist in determining financial eligibility and provide resources to get you the care you need.

  • Where do patients receive Hospice Services?

    Generally, patients receive Hospice in their home.

  • What services will Hospice provide?

    We provide a complete care team, including: physicians, nurses, case managers, counselors, home health aides, chaplain, therapists and volunteers to care for our hospice patients. We tailor our service to the patient’s needs, depending on their diagnosis.  We can assist with the following services:

    • Physician-directed services
    • Nursing care
    • Spiritual Care
    • Social work
    • Certified nursing assistants
    • Medical equipment
    • Medical supplies
    • Medications related to the hospice diagnosis and related conditions
    • Pain management
    • Symptom control management
    • Counseling services
    • Volunteer support
    • Bereavement support
    • Other therapies as needed
  • What is Palliative Care?

    If a patient has a been diagnosed with a serious illness but does not meet the criteria for Hospice, they may still be a candidate for Palliative Care, otherwise known as comfort care – focused on managing pain and symptoms of the disease. Palliative Care Services are available at any time in a patient’s disease, from diagnosis and throughout curative treatments.

  • What is Respite Care?

    Respite care gives a break, or “respite,” to family members and caregivers who are caring for a loved one receiving hospice services.

    Hospice respite care is mandated by the Medicare hospice benefit for any beneficiary whose caregiver needs a break of up to five consecutive days and nights. It places a hospice patient in a facility that provides 24-hour care (nursing home, skilled nursing facility, hospital or hospice unit) without having to meet the criteria for traditional inpatient care or symptom management.